White Hair to Black Hair Naturally in Just 2 Hours

White hair to black hair naturally in just 2 hours

The way to darken white hair is not just by applying ammonia based hair color on it. In fact, if your hair has started turning gray before time, then you can control it in a natural way and can also make the white hair black again. You may find it strange that even naturally white hair can turn black again! but it's true. Because blackening of hair depends on pigmentation in it. Which you can increase with proper care and proper diet.

However, in most of the cases, the hair does not get the same darkness as it was before. But the hair does not remain completely white and its natural color comes into it. Due to this, they stop being highlighted separately. Today we are telling you two special tried and tested remedies to turn white hair black again. You can trust them blindly.

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First Recipe

How to make the right mix of Amla

How to make the right mix of Amla

Amla works to increase the natural pigment in hair. Before sleeping at night, soak 10 to 12 spoons of Amla powder or a handful of dry Amla in two cups of water and keep it in an iron vessel. If your hair is long then increase the quantity of Amla accordingly.

If you have soaked dried gooseberries then grind them in the morning. So that a paste is formed. Now add 2 teaspoons of coffee powder and 3 teaspoons of lemon juice to the Amla soaked overnight. This quantity of coffee and lemon is to be taken per one cup of Amla mix. That is, if you have taken more than one cup of Amla mixture, then mix two teaspoons of coffee powder and three teaspoons of lemon juice for each cup.

Second Recipe

To prepare this hair color restoration recipe, gather the following ingredients:


To prepare this hair color restoration recipe, gather the following ingredients:

Cloves, known for their ability to restore natural hair color and eliminate white hair. Begin by placing 1 tablespoon of cloves into a saucepan. Next, incorporate onion peels into the mix, as they contain antioxidants that protect hair from premature graying. Add the onion peels to the saucepan. 

Enhance the concoction with 2 bags of black tea, which imparts a dark color to white hair. Add a small amount of water to the mixture. Place the saucepan on the stove and let it simmer for 15 minutes. Allow the mixture to reach a dark color by leaving the saucepan on the heat. After boiling for 10 minutes, remove the pot from the stove. Strain the mixture using a strainer. For convenient daily use, transfer the filtered mixture into a glass bottle. If you wish to extend its shelf life, refrigerate the concoction. This straightforward preparation offers a natural solution to maintain and restore the color of your hair.

How to apply the recipe to the hair

Application of the recipe to the hair involves utilizing a spray bottle. Begin by spraying the mixture from the roots to the ends of the hair. To enhance the effectiveness, cover the hair with a shower cap or plastic wrap. Allow the mixture to work its magic by leaving it on the hair for a duration of 2 hours. After this period, proceed to wash your hair using your regular shampoo. For optimal results, repeat this application twice a week. Remarkably, you can expect to see significant results after just the first use. Embracing this routine offers a simple yet effective approach to harnessing the benefits of the natural ingredients and promoting vibrant, naturally-colored hair.

Third Recipe

To prepare the recipe, we need dried chamomile

To prepare the recipe, we need dried chamomile

Place two tablespoons of dried chamomile in a saucepan, along with 1 tablespoon of instant coffee. Pour a medium-sized cup of water into the mix, then set the saucepan on the stove for 10 minutes. Allow the mixture to simmer until the water takes on a rich, dark color. Following this, strain the concoction using a strainer to refine the texture. To enhance the blend, introduce 1 tablespoon of lemon into the filtered mixture. This straightforward process amalgamates the soothing qualities of chamomile, the richness of coffee, and the zest of lemon for a rejuvenating solution.

How to apply the recipe

Employ a spray bottle for application. Spritz the mixture onto your hair, covering it from the roots to the ends. Allow the solution to permeate by leaving it on your hair for a duration of two hours. Following this, cleanse your hair with your regular shampoo. For optimal results, incorporate this routine into your hair care regimen twice a week. Consistent application ensures the benefits of the recipe are maximized, offering a simple yet effective approach to nurturing and revitalizing your hair.
